
Great Job Iesha!

IeshaIesha is our Family Self-Sufficiency highlight this month because she is a woman who has refused to give up. Like many of us, life has thrown Iesha’s family some difficult times. She relocated to New Albany with little more than her children and the clothes on their backs. She had no support group and was starting over from the ground floor. She immediately enrolled in the NAHA FSS program and at the first meeting she attended she found herself helping staff to serve snacks to other clients. She then volunteered at the FSS front desk until she found a job. Her involvement with her case manager and her willingness to always volunteer paid off. After maintaining her job for over 6 months a private donor called Iesha’s Family Self Sufficiency case manager. The person who called had a van that they felt compelled to give to a deserving family in need of transportation assistance. Iesha fit all the criteria that was needed and was the lucky person to receive this generous gift. Iesha is rebuilding her life and is determined to soar high. She is working hard, surrounded by positive supports from the FSS staff and is accomplishing great things.